Brighton and Jamaica Bay

For Thanksgiving we took our friend Barbara with us to eat at Tatiana, a Russian restaurant, on the boardwalk at Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York for lunch. We all had red borscht, I had duck, and Barbara and I shared a huge Pavlova for desert. That was so good! After that we went to Jamaica Bay, part of Gateway NRA in Broad Channel for the sunset.

JB and Brighton

Yesterday Marc, my friend Paula and I went to Brighton Beach and ate lunch at one of the the Russian Restaurants on the boardwalk. I love the OT decorations. The food was good. After that we drove to Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn, part of Gateway NRA. It was late afternoon and very windy and atmospheric. A storm was brewing. No snow geese for me yet. I’ll try another time.

Jamaica Bay Flora

Late afternoon soon lights the Phragmites, plants and the broadwalk.

Jamaica Bay Birds

A few of the birds we saw during a short trip to Jamaica Bay.

Jamaica Bay Brant

A huge number of Brant (about) recently came in from Canada and were the stars of the show at Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn, New York. They flew over the path first to the bay then to the pond. They couldn’t decide where to settle. I love the sounds they make (click to play sounds).

JB and FBF

Jamaica Bay and Floyd Bennett Field are part of Gateway NRA, Brooklyn, New York. I added the artichoke at the end because I like the flowers.

Jamaica Bay

We have a new car, a 2019 VW Jetta. I named it James in honor of my mother (her maiden name). We plan to look for a less expensive place to live in a more rural area, or find a summer place, and need a car to do so.

Meanwhile, we are having fun going to places we have trouble visiting. This trip was to Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn, NY.

Jamaica Bay NWR

After visiting Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in the morning of June 21st we drove down to Jamaica Bay in he afternoon and saw an additional 25 species of birds for the day in an hour. The jet speed antics of the Tree Swallows are such fun to watch.