Cover Designs

I did a major tidy up of old files saved from my past job on my computer. I haven’t looked at my my past work for years. I did the designs for report covers, presentations a mapping for 14 years for TAMS, Earth Tech, and AECOM (the same company with different ownership). My job included GIS cartography and graphic design. Here are some of the covers I designed and one display board at the bottom.

15 thoughts on “Cover Designs

  1. 2024-01-10 / 11:06 am

    VERY impressive, Sherry! Good girl! It is great to have such a talented cousin!

    Thank you too for the lovely thank you note and thanks to Paula – hope she is doing okay.

    Love, Cathy


  2. conspicari 2024-01-10 / 8:24 am

    Great cover designs., I worked in the printing/reprographics trade all of my working life and know the effort that needs to be put in to get a successful design.


  3. Dan Antion 2024-01-10 / 7:03 am

    These are wonderful, Sherry. In my job before retirement, I had to choose covers for our Annual Report and a brochure we published periodically. I didn’t do the artwork, but I know how hard it can be to get it right. The composition, especially with aerial photos can be difficult to get “just right.” You have some great examples here. These are all very good, but I love the last three. Thanks for sharing them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherry Felix 2024-01-10 / 7:23 am

      Thanks Derrick. Thed end of roll as a designer was when they company decided to use a nation wide corporate design with a unified very plain look.

      Liked by 1 person

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