Cades Cove Wildlife

White-tailed deer, black bears, coyotes, turkeys, and other wildlife are frequently spotted in the open valley of Cades Cove. There are 3 bears in the last photograph. That sighting caused a bear jam (cars stopping to view the bears).

9 thoughts on “Cades Cove Wildlife

    • Sherry Felix 2024-05-22 / 6:32 am

      A bear did come very close to us in Gatlinburg days later. I managed to catch a photo of it that I’ll post on June 6. The bears at Cades Cove were at a proper safe distance. The urban bear was way too close. Unfortunately, bears that get used to being close to humans are often killed. The bear we saw in town was most likely looking for human food.


      • Michael Meiser 2024-05-22 / 7:33 am

        Although we don’t have free-living bears in Germany, I’m aware of these problems. The ones we have in our zoos, however, usually hide in their dens during the day and only come out at night …

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Washe Koda 2024-05-22 / 5:06 am

    Sherry: Thanks for sharing the Great Smoky Mountains this past week or so. Ive lived in East Tennessee for 17 years now and have never gotten down there! ~Willy

    Liked by 1 person

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