
We stayed in Dessau (Wikipedia) for two nights with my family while visiting my daughter-in-law’s relatives. In the morning I wake early so we went to the park nearby. I love runs and had fun photographing the ruined buildings we found.

The last two are of my grandson Oscar and his niece at the caffe where we met most of Heike’s family.

10 thoughts on “Dessau

  1. Sue 2021-11-19 / 1:16 pm

    Love the ruins, Sherry!


  2. shoreacres 2021-11-19 / 8:03 am

    Again, the old buildings are the ones that appealed most, although I will say the one showing the old wall or chimney, taken through the window, is my very favorite.

    I wasn’t sure where Dessau might be, and when I looked it up, I discovered that there’s a Dessau Middle School here in Texas. It’s in the town of Pflugerville, and I further learned that the town was named after the original German settlers who farmed the area. (Pfluger apparently means “plowman.”)


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