Delos at Meatpacking

In October I attended a Meatpacking District networking event held at Delos – Innovate Well on behalf of my husband’s tour business, Marc’s Village Walk. 

I am extremely interested in urban greenspaces and improving urban natural environments. The Delos office has green walls and many other features. I asked the guide if they had thought of improving environment in the NYC subway system. They laughed.

“Delos is a wellness real estate and technology company that is transforming the lives of people around the world by creating residential and commercial spaces designed to improve health, well-being, and performance.”

The views and the interior of the Delos office at 860 Washington Street, which is by the High Line, is stunning.

4 thoughts on “Delos at Meatpacking

  1. Barbara Bryan 2018-11-26 / 6:07 pm

    So interesting, interesting, inspirational, and encouraging to see this. Thanks for sharing!


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